
dr Paweł Migdalski
Instytut Historyczny, Uniwersytet Szczeciński

I studied at several different Universities in Poland and Germany, in such cities as Szczecin, Poznan, Marburg and Greifswald. My main fields of expertise are historiography and the history of Pomerania Region. I am also interested in studies of collective memories and historical politics. I am an author of nearly two hundred scientific, popular scientific and journalistic papers and an editor of more than a dozen collective monographs. I wrote also 3 books: „… w tej strażnicy Rzeczypospolitej” Rejon Pamięci Narodowej Cedynia–Gozdowice–Siekierki, Szczecin-Poznań 2007 (“… in this watchtower of the Republic” Cedynia-Gozdowice-Siekierki Region of National Remembrance); Moja mała ojczyzna. Przykładowe scenariusze lekcji oraz uwagi nad nauczaniem historii regionalnej na przykładzie powiatu Gryfino (My little homeland. Examples of lesson’s scenarios and observations on the teaching of regional history by the example of  Gryfino county), Chojna 2010 (reprint 2012); Słowiańszczyzna północno-zachodnia w historiografii polskiej, niemieckiej i duńskiej (The North-West Slavs in Polish, German and Danish historiography), Wodzisław Śląski  2019. For the last of the mentioned monographs I was awarded with prestigious Gerard’s Labuda Scientific Award. In 2010 I worked as an assistant lecturer at the Institute of History at the University of Greifswald. I also lectured there at the doctoral studies, which were part of the framework IRTG 1540 “Baltic Borderlands”. Since 2011 I am an assistant professor at the Institute of History at the University of Szczecin. During my work there I organized and coordinated dozens of international projects, including scientific, popular-scientific and cultural events – conferences, debates, study excursions, exhibitions, concerts and fundraisers. Since 2018 I participated in activities of the Historical Commission of Pomerania (Historische Kommission für Pommern e.V.). I am co-founder and president of the Historical and Cultural Association “Terra Incognita” stationed in Chojna (since 2009), and the editor-in-chief of the series of publications entitled “Terra Incognita”. I am also co-founder and president of the Association Akademia Kulice (since 2015). Since 2021 I became the head of the Research Group for History of Pomerania.

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Selected Bibliography:

„… w tej strażnicy Rzeczypospolitej ”. Rejon Pamięci Narodowej Cedynia-Gozdowice-Siekierki, Szczecin-Poznań 2007, ss. 89.

Słowiańszczyzna północno-zachodnia w historiografii polskiej, niemieckiej i duńskiej, Wodzisław Śląski 2019, ss. 424. (Nagroda im. Gerarda Labudy 2020)

Cedynia i okolice poprzez wieki, ed. P. Migdalski, Chojna–Szczecin 2013, ss. 384.

Odbudowa miast Pomorza Zachodniego po drugiej wojnie światowej. Wybrane problemy, ed. P. Migdalski, Poznań–Stargard 2021, ss. 312.

Wizyta polskich naukowców w Szczecinie i w Wolinie w 1935 roku, „Roczniki Historyczne” 84, 2018, s. 329-348.

Die Darstellung der Reformation in Pommern in Veröffentlichungen aus der Zeit des kommunistischen Polen, „Przegląd Zachodniopomorski”, z. 4, 2018, S. 317-332.

The Beginnings of Polish interest in the early medieval past of Kołobrzeg (until the end of the 1950s), „Przegląd Zachodni, Journal of the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznań”, 2020 Specjal Issue, pp. 61–78.

(with D. Mellies) Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald und Schlacht bei Cedynia. Schlachten als nationale Gründungsmythen, w: Deutsch-Polnische Erinnerungsorte, hg. H.-H. Hahn, R. Traba, unter Mitarbeit von M. Górny und K. Kończal, Band 3: Parallelen, Paderborn 2012, S. 108-127

Das Gedenken an die Pommernzüge des Hetmans Stefan Czarniecki, w: Staat – Militär – Gesellschaft. Festschrift für Jens E. Olesen zum 65. Geburtstag, Hrsg. R. Oldach, T. W. Friis, Greifswald 2015, S. 387-408

Wie die slawischen Vorfahren der Pommern zu Germanen wurden, w: Abstammungsmythen und Völkergenealogien im frühneuzeitlichen Ostseeraum, Hg. S. Donecker, Greifswald 2020, S. 61-77.

When did the first Polish rulers take the Pomerania? The history of certain paradigms in the Polish historiography, w: Poland, Pomerania and Their Neighbours’ Shaping of Medieval European Civilisation (10th-12th centuries), ed. S. Rosik, Wrocław 2020, pp. 351–366.

Poland and Pomerania – from Slavic tribes to diverging roads. Tracing historiographic narratives, in: Europe reaches the Baltic Poland and Pomerania in the Shaping of European Civilization (10th-12th centuries), ed. S. Rosik, Wrocław 2020, pp. 39-110.