
dr hab. Pierre-Frédéric Weber, prof. US
Instytut Historyczny, Uniwersytet Szczeciński

Historian in contemporary history and political scientist. PhD at Sorbonne University in Paris (Paris III). Since 2007 at the University of Szczecin. Main research interests: German-Polish relations in their international context, normalisation and reconciliation processes in Europe since 1945, the role of emotions in international relations.

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Main publications (selection):

– Le triangle RFA-RDA-Pologne (1961-1975): guerre froide et normalisation des rapports germano-polonais. Paryż: L’Harmattan 2007, 418 s.;

– The Szczecin Lagoon in the Cold War. Germans, Poles, Czechoslovakians, and the Soviets, [w:/in:] The Baltic Sea Region and the Cold War, ed. Olaf Mertelsmann, Kaarel Piirimäe. Frankfurt nad Menem-Bern-Nowy Jork: Peter Lang 2012, s. 239–260;

– Timor Teutonorum. Angst vor Deutschland seit 1945: Eine europäische Emotion im Wandel. Paderborn: Ferdinand-Schöningh-Verlag 2015, 285 s.;

– Cultures of Fear in International Relations. Contribution to an Historical Sociology of Emotions, [w:/in:] Die Ambivalenz der Gefühle. Über die verbindende und widersprüchliche Sozialität von Emotionen, ed. Jochen Kleres, Yvonne Albrecht. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2015, s. 187–204;

– German Angst After 1945 as Fear of the Fear, [w:/in:] Fear in the German Speaking World, 1600–2000, ed. Thomas Kehoe, Michael Pickering. Londyn-Oksford-Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic 2020, s. 253–274.