• 22 DEC 22
    Final workshop to prepare a joint programme of studies and subjects devoted to the Baltic and the border area – presentation of English-language courses

    Final workshop to prepare a joint programme of studies and subjects devoted to the Baltic and the border area – presentation of English-language courses

    The final event of the project was the presentation of the English-language study programmes that were developed during the project. This activity was also the last workshop for the preparation of a joint study programme and subjects on the Baltic and border area / Workshops zur Vorbereitung eines gemeinsamen Studienprogramms mit Fächern zu Ostsee- und Grenzraum. The activity had a hybrid character. Some people met live in the conference room of the Historical Institute of the University of Szczecin, while most joined the meeting remotely via the MS Teams platform. During the presentation, the final result of the work – study programmes for the courses: Baltic Region Studies for level one and Borders and Boundaries Studies for level two – MSc. An important element of the presentation was a discussion on the aims of the studies, their internationalisation and the possibility of exchanging students from abroad. Guests from Germany also took part in the discussion, including a representative from our partners, the Interdisziplinäres Forschungszentrum Ostseeraum (IFZO) of the University of Greifswald, which runs the History and Culture of the Baltic Sea Region degree course. We hope that both courses presented will start without hindrance in the new academic year.

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